AFA Faedah

  Aphanizomenon flos-aquae

1. What is Aphanizomenon flos-aquae?
Dr. Gabriel Cousins, M.D. about AFA
The Children & Algae Report
Prevention of cancer and viral infections

What Is Aphanizomenon flos-aquae? (Blue Green algae)
Aphanizomenon flos-aquae is one of the most nutrient-dense balanced whole foods on this planet. It provides a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals, plus it contains protein, enzymes, chlorophyll, and essential fatty acids necessary for good health. The algae is 60% complete protein, containing all 10 essential amino acids, a total of 20 in all, which are in a profile very similar to that required by the human body. It contains low molecular weight amino acids, which may cross the blood brain barrier, hence its nickname, a "brain food". It has one of the highest sources of chlorophyll and has been called an excellent blood purifier. It contains many of the vitamins and naturally chelated minerals and trace minerals needed for good health. Minerals are necessary co-factors needed to fully utilize vitamins, enzymes and proteins. It is high in Beta Carotene (Pro Vitamin A), a valuable antioxidant and also in Vitamin B-12, so it is an excellent food for vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike. It is fully digestible and highly assimilable and most of all, it is NATURAL not synthetic.
Our Blue Green algae, is harvested wild from an extraordinary natural environment from Oregon's Upper Klamath Lake. It is freeze dried to preserve the precious heat-sensitive nutrients. It grows to its fullest potential because of the abundance of minerals, nutrients and perfect conditions which nature has provided. You don't have to be a health professional or know very much about nutrition to recognize the value of this food.

Why Eat the Algae?
Because it replaces the necessary nutrients that we do not receive from the food we eat. Most of our current food supply is grown in nutrient deficient soils, which is a serious problem concerning today's health. When we do not receive the nutrients we need in our food, our bodies and minds do not function properly. Once we are supplied with the right rebuilding materials, which are in the algae, the body does the rest. It helps to restore HARMONY and BALANCE.

Personal Benefits
The unique balance of essential nutrients contained in Blue Green algae provide many people with all kinds of personal health benefits. Every single person reacts differently to the algae, so there are as many benefits as there are people who try it. Generally, some people report a general feeling of wellness, possible boost in energy, less colds and flu, less doctor visits, less down time at work, and general elevated moods, just to name a very few. You might also want to read the section on research for some of the benefits mentioned in the studies. The best way to really find out about how the algae can benefit you, is for you to try it yourself. There is no better test than to try it.

Dr. Gabriel Cousins, M.D. about AFA
Much has been learned about the true value of this amazing food since it became available as a food source 20 years ago. There are more benefits being discovered every day as this algae is introduced to the medical and scientific societies. Dr. Gabriel Cousins, M.D., in his article in Body, Mind Spirit in April 1995 said, “The greatest value of A.F.A. is not only its dense nutrient concentration or even its high neuropeptide precursors, but in its amazing positive effect on the nervous system. ...people taking AFA have consistently reported: an overall increase in mental alertness overall increase in mental stamina short and long term memory improved problem solving creativity dream recall greater sense of centered ness He also reports that algae has helped his clients with such diseases as: Depression Autism Hypoglycemia Diabetes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Anemia Ulcers Hepatitis Alzheimer’s People with auto-immune system disorders (such as Lupus, CFS, connective tissue disease, AIDS, etc.), may find it adds a boost to their lives. Older people may find their mental acuity return as a result of eating Aphanizomenon flos-aquae. When applied to wounds, algae has been shown to promote more rapid healing.

Aphanizomenon flos-aquae has been eaten for health benefits by millions of people for thousand of years. In Africa, Mexico, China, Japan and Europe, the healing powers of algae have long been recognized. Recently, in the United States, one species of blue green algae has attracted scientific attention: Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA), a freshwater species of algae that is especially nutrient-rich. This algae contains an unusually large proportion of high-quality protein (approximately 55 - 65%), with all eight essential amino acids present in an ideal balance. It also contains powerful antioxidants, a wealth of trace minerals, vitamins (especially B vitamins), rare and essential fatty acids, unique forms of sulfolipids and a variety of phytochemicals such as phycocyanin, phycoerythrin, and chlorophyll.

The first scientific report published on AFA was by Gabriel Cousens, MD (1985), in the Journal of Orthomedicine on the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease. Several case studies were presented where AFA appeared to noticeably reverse the progression of this degenerative condition. Subsequently, Dr. Cousens has continued to advocate the use of AFA especially for conditions related to mental and emotional functioning. Since that study, thousands of seniors have reported success using AFA on a daily basis.

What follows are results from three studies on children and the use of AFA:
Nicaragua - University of Central America
Seville and Aguirre (1995)1, in their doctoral research studied 1,567 school children who were given 1 gram (4 capsules) of AFA a day for six months.
  • A 54% percent increase in classroom participation was reported by teachers.
  • A 21% percent increase in classroom attendance records was found.
  • Overall, physical improvements in hair, skin and general health were observed.
  • The school's ranking on standardized academic tests went from lowest to highest in the nation.
Key Finding: A dramatic 81% improvement in the children's academic scores were reported
Harvard, Massachusetts - Center for Family Wellness
Claudia Jarratt and her staff (1997) conducted a landmark study of 142 children who ate between .5 gm and 1 gm of AFA a day for ten weeks.
  • Improved social skills with peers
  • Reduced anxiety and depression
  • Less argumentative, controlling and demanding behavior
  • Increased ability to follow directions and focus on tasks
Key Finding. Parents and teachers reported significant improvements in children's problem behaviors in 10 out of 11 categories using the Achenbach rating scales.
Sierra Vista, AZ - The Stillwell Learning Center
Jeffrey Bruno, Ph.D., Joe-Jo Gittelman, and Barry Tuchfeld, Ph.D. (1998) conducted a study of 31 children in a special reading program who ate either 1.5 gm, 3 gm, or no AFA a day for three months.
  • Significant behavioral improvements on the Conners Parent and Teacher Rating Scales
  • A forty percent improvement on children's mean score of memory recall
  • A twenty percent improvement on children's mean scores of concentration
  • A dramatic increase in tutorial classroom attendance records
  • Overall reduced physical symptoms and complaints
Key Finding. The AFA groups demonstrated a significant reduction in toxic levels of aluminum. Toxic levels of aluminum are correlated with learning problems and

1 - Cousens, G. Report of Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease with Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, Orthomedicine, (Winter/Spring), Vol. 8, No. 1-2, 1985 (Editor's note: AFA was the algae used in this study.)
2 - Sevulla I., and Aguiree, N. Study On The Effects Of Super Blue Green?Algae, Universidad Centro Americana, Nicaragua, 1995
3 - Jarratt, C., et al, The Children and Algae Report, The Center for Family Wellness, Harvard, MA, 1997
4 - Bruno, J., Gittelman, J., and Tucheld, B. Improved Cognition, Behavior and Health in Children Eating Blue Green Algae. Submitted for publication, 1998

The Children & Algae Report
Published by The Center for Family Wellness
The "Children and Algae Report" is a summary of the information of the Center for Family Wellness gathered during their research study of 140 children. This study was designed to investigate the effects of feeding Super Blue Green Algae to children who struggle with learning, social and behavioral problems.
The research team questioned whether the addition of Algae to children's diets would help alleviate these challenges. The statistical analysis of the data gathered during the study demonstrates that eating Algae clearly has a notably positive outcome in those areas of concern for a vast majority of the study sample.
The report also mentions another study involving 1,482 students in Nicaragua, a country where malnutrition impacts about two thirds of the population. The positive results of adding Super Blue Green Algae to the children's diets were noted and qualified, as were the improvements in the children's class participation, academic scores, and overall health.
In this Children & Algae study, parents reported significant behavioral changes in their children, including:
  • significant improvement in the ability to focus, follow directions and concentrate
  • a reduction in argumentative, demanding and combative behavior
  • fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression
  • improvement in social skills
  • fewer signs of emotional and behavioral withdrawal
  • less acting out behavior and fewer conduct problems
  • a reduction in behaviors characterized as "strange"
  • fewer physical symptoms, such as headaches and stomach aches, for which there is no apparent medical cause
  • Increased energy, vitality, and stamina.
  • Greater ability to handle stress.
  • A strengthening of the immune system, resulting in fewer ailments and a speedier recovery from sickness.
  • Relief from the discomforting symptoms of hypoglycemia, fatigue, mood swings, allergies, etc.
  • Improved digestion and relief from constipation.
  • Enhanced mental alertness and clarity.
  • Improved memory.
  • Alleviation of anxiety and depression.
  • A stronger sense of direction and positive outlook on life.
As the study progressed, many children exhibited language and reading skill improvements. Parents and teachers, alike, began reporting that the children had better social and interactive skills, and more self-reliance.

 This report also includes:
1.   Practical guidelines on how to feed AFA to children, and the correct amount
2.   Some of the parents favorite Algae recipes
3.   Answers to many questions and concerns about your child's health and AFA
4.   Many beneficial and helpful contacts and further references
Written by John Taylor, Ph.D., Licenced Psychologist and leading AD/HD authority
Dr. Taylor is pioneering authority on brain chemistry aspects of Attention Deficit Disorder. The father of three children with AD/HD, he is the author of the very first book providing extensive detail on AD/HD family relationship issues, The Hyperactive Child and the Family. He is noted author of eleven books, over 60 articles in journals and professional newsletters and over 250 creative education resources.

The ALGAE AD/HD CONNECTION report highlights the often missing nutritional factors associated with AD/HD and describes how AFA (Blue Green Algae) provides these critical components. Additionally, potentially neurotoxic substances that need to be avoided with special needs children are mentioned. Over thirty-six scientific references are cited within this remarkable report.

Prevention of cancer and viral infections
This letter may be the most important letter you have ever received, so please take the time to read all of it. You will be glad you did. Recently, the first stage of an extensive research project carried out at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal, Canada produced some remarkable results. The entire project studies the effect of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) on the immune and endocrine systems, as well as on general blood physiology. In the performance of this project it was discovered that eating AFA had a profound and unique effect on Natural Killer cells. These results were recently published under the title: Effects of the Blue Green Algae Aphanizomenon flos-aquae on Human Natural Killer Cells. It appears in Chapter 3.1 of the IBC Library Series, Volume 1911, "Phytoceuticals: Examining the health benefit and pharmaceutical properties of natural antioxidants and phytochemicals." (Currently at press.)
Before I give you the results of the research I will tell you the Natural Killer cells (NK cells) are part of our body's immune system, designed to search out and destroy abnormal cells, including cancerous cells and virally-infected cells.
It's important to know how big the problem is so you can appreciate how big the solution is.
Cancer is a leading cause of death in the United States. Worldwide, tens of millions of people die each year from cancer. In third world countries, viral infections are also a significant cause of mortality. In the United States, over one person out of every three will have cancer sometime in their life. Cancer is one of the most menacing and frightening things in the world today.
It is important to know how and why a person gets cancer. Please understand a complete explanation could fill a huge number of textbooks. It doesn't serve the purpose of this letter to get too complicated, so I'll keep it simple.

What is cancer?
Cancer is a condition in which cells undergo abnormal cell division. The average human body has more than 54 trillion cells. Millions die every day and must be replaced. The process of replacement is called cell division. One cell divides and becomes two. Normal cell division results in theproduction of two normal cells. Sometimes, due to various factors, a cell degenerates and starts to divide in a disorganized manner. The cell is then said to be cancerous. The malignancy or severity of the cancer depends on the rate of growth, the organ or tissue affected, the state of the immune system and many other factors.

What would cause abnormal cell division?
In a simplified way, substances that interfere with normal cell division are said to be cancer-causing substances or carcinogens. There are thousands of normal everyday chemicals found in our food, water, and air that are carcinogenic. The incidence of cancer is increasing because the number of industrial and domestic carcinogens is increasing. Prolonged exposure to sunlight may also lead to skin cancer. If 99.9999% of the cells were to divide normally, we would still have approximately 5,000,000 potential cancer cells produced everyday. You can conclude that at any point in time, your body contains cells that are potentially cancer causing. Whether or not you have cancer depends on the number of carcenogens you are exposed to, your ability to remove them and the strength of your immune system in eliminating newly-formed cancer cells. Before I write about the immune system and how it controls cancer, I want to tell you about the other menace that NK cells control viruses.

What is a virus and how does it cause disease? A virus is a sub-microscopic, disease-causing organism, consisting of pieces of RNA surrounded by a protein coat, having the ability to invade a cell and use its machinery to replace itself. Some commonly known viral diseases,
Yellow Fever
Small Pox
Common Cold
A virus travels through the blood and lymphatic system until it finds a susceptible host cell. It then attaches itself to the cell membrane and forms a channel through which it sends it's genetic material for duplication. The host cell is then forced to produce duplicate viruses until it is so full it bursts, scattering thousands of newly-produced viruses.

They then seek their own host cells and a full-blown viral infection is underway.          Viruses are transmitted by contact with infected mosquitoes, mice, pets, friends, air, water, food, bats, birds and insects. Whether or not you have a viral infection or cancer depends largely on the strength of your immune system.

What is your immune system?
It is a group of tissues and organs whose role is to protect our bodies against substances or organisms that could potentially cause a disease. The entire immune system is quite complex. It is composed of many organs and tissues (bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes, thymus gland...) that produce different kinds of cells having specific immune functions, as well as chemicals that modulate these various immune functions. One of these types of cells is called NK cells. They are a subset of T-cells. They are also called cytotoxic T-cells, meaning "toxic to other cells." One of their main functions in the body is to search for cancerous and virally-infected cells and kill them.

How do killer cells work?
NK cells have the ability to recognize cells that are cancerous or have been infected by a virus. The strategy used by NK cells is a drastic one they directly approach cancerous or virally-infected cells and release strong free radicals in their immediate environment. The free radicals create a hole in the cell, and the cell then dies. The dead cell is later eaten by another kind of immune cell the macrophages the scavengers of the body. To leave the bloodstream and reach the tissues where they look for abnormal cells, NK cells have homing molecules on their surfaces to help detect infected cells and they use large molecules called adhesion molecules which allow them to crawl out of the blood, through the capillary wall, into the tissues.

The Punch Line
The team of research scientists at the Royal Victoria Hospital, led by Dr. Gitte S. Jensen, discovered that:
Within two hours after eating 1.5 grams of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, an average of 40% of the blood NK cells (one billion) left the bloodstream and migrated into the tissues. They further discovered that in some cases the NK cells that remained in the bloodstream had two to three times as many adhesion molecules as they did before the Aphanizomenon flos-aquae was eaten. After a few hours, the NK cells had returned to the bloodstream.
Eating Aphanizomenon flos-aquae triggers the movement of 40% of the circulating NK cells from the blood to the tissues where their main function is to perform immune surveillance and eliminate cancerous and virally-infected cells. Further research may prove that eating a small amount of AFA every day could assist in the prevention of cancer and viral infections. No other substance is known to trigger such a movement of NK cells in the body. This is very exciting news! We hope you will share it with everyone you know.

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